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Company vacation

A company vacation can be created under this menu item. When creating the vacation, a client and location must be selected. Based on this, an approved absenteeism request is automatically created for all employees concerned and the absenteeism balances in the personnel application are adjusted.

Overview of all company vacations

By clicking on “+ Company vacation “, a new company holiday can be created. A client and a location must be selected to determine the employees who will receive absenteeism. Created company absenteeism is given the status “approved”.

After entering all data, please click on Save. The actual duration in days is now calculated, as well as the absenteeism days with which the employee account is debited and the public holidays that are in the company absenteeism period. The employees concerned are de

Record company vacation

termined automatically. They will each receive a vacation record with the duration of the company leave.

Via the view page, the company vacation data can be viewed, as well as the list of employees who are affected.

Detailed overview of the company vacation